Thursday, June 22, 2017

40 Acts of Kindness...

On the 8th of May I started a 30-day challenge to complete acts of kindness as one of my #40before40 activities. This challenge included a wide variety of acts and the recipients have included family, friends in Freetown, elsewhere in Sierra Leone and far away, as well as complete strangers. It’s been fun to surprise people and see their expressions of gratefulness.

In a world with so much hatred and despair it is great to play a small part in spreading kindness and joy. I would encourage anyone reading this post to pay it forward and extend an act of kindness to someone today. In a world where you can be anything: Be Kind.

One of the fun things was that my acts of kindness sometimes “backfired” on me. When I got the phone credit for one of my acts of kindness I planned to let the lady who owns the shop opposite my house keep the change, but instead she gave me my change and gifted me with a bag of popcorn. It was an act of kindness in reverse! I was also blessed when one of the Sierra Leonean doctors gave me a lift home after the SLMDA meeting. He went out of his way to drop me off. He said “we need to look out for each other.” That was much appreciated.

I loved this activity and since the focus this year is 40, I decided to extend the challenge for an additional 10 days, to allow for 40 days of intentional acts of kindness. Here’s the list:

1. Bought NPA (electricity) topup for a friend
2. Treated 3 friends to a meal at a "new" restaurant in Lumley - enjoying African cuisine
3. Made a cup of tea for my house help - it was raining and she was cold (although it was still 30 C outside!)
4. Gave a few phone credit scratch cards to one of my security guards - he was surprised, gave a big smile and said "thanks and God bless"
5. Gave cans of Coca Cola to two different taxi drivers on a hot afternoon 
6. Gave a friend a hug 
7. Gave coconut to a group of children at the beach
8. Made a donation to the organization "charity: water" in honor of my mom on Mother's Day 
9. Sent handwritten cards to friends who are on leave in the UK and Switzerland
10. Gave a card and money to a couple to go and enjoy ice cream at Gigibonta
11. Spent some time at a friend’s house to make sure that her furniture was delivered and assembled while she’s on leave in the USA
12. Helped a friend in need financially
13. Helped someone who is unable to write, write a card for a couple getting married 
14. Bought ice cream for a friend
15. Wrote a card of encouragement to a friend leaving Sierra Leone later in the day, who is moving back to the UK
16. Made lime bar treats for Bible study 
17. Donated money to the organization “Mariatu's Hope” to help with the cost of a tutor
18. Gave a new security guard some Guinea mangos 
19. Had a friendly chat with a random taxi driver and then paid double for my taxi ride
20. Donated money to the organization “Planting Promise” for their school-feeding program in Sierra Leone on World Hunger Day
21. Gave a bag of rice to my house help 
22. Baked chocolate chip cookies for the “Kings Sierra Leone Partnership” team at Connaught hospital and had them delivered to their offices the next day
23. Spent the day helping two blind patients access appropriate healthcare including investigations in other facilities
24. Spent more time with a patient to get a CT scan at a different hospital
25. Sent phone credit anonymously to two former colleagues and my caretaker
26. Packed up clothing I don’t wear anymore to take to Namina’s family in Bailor village
27. Gave chocolates to a group of children
28. Went to Murray Town with someone I just met to help her pick up her fiancé at the Sea Bird water taxi, while I was also picking up a friend
29. Paid the taxi fares for fellow passengers in two different taxis. The smiles and gratefulness expressed was so worth it. 
30. Copied and bound my study manual for the pediatric primary exam and gave it to a Sierra Leonean doctor who is planning to take the exam in a few months time
31. Bought medicine for a friend’s colleague 
32. Gave money to my house help towards her pending surgery 
33. Bought a ticket for a Sierra Leonean law student to attend the Advocaid film festival on women's rights
34. Supported the medical students talent and awards night
35. Sent gifts to my nieces in the Netherlands 
36. Sent money to a family friend who is pursuing a course in counseling
37. Sent money to Stefan, Genae and the kids to treat themselves to treats at “Menchies”
38. Sent a get well card to a dear family friend who is recovering from surgery
39. Sent a card to my parents in Haiti, via TN, to let them know I love them
40. Bought Luci lights, cool solar powered lights, for Junior’s family & Namina’s family  

#randomactsofkindness #actsofkindness #bekind #payitforward #40before40 #sandraturns40 #40isthenew30 #bucketlist #alwaysanadventure #sierraleone #sweetsalone

21. ✔A 30-day challenge - completing acts of kindness or gratefulness (8/5/17-16/6/17)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Inspired, entertained and doubly fortunate to have been the recipient of two of these 'acts of kindness' (..that I can work out! ;) !) Becky x

~ Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. micah 6:8 ~