Monday, January 07, 2019

Ongoing journey of gratitude...

During the beginning of the Ebola outbreak, which was one of the most challenging times for me both personally and professionally, I embarked on a journey of gratitude. Everyday I paused, focused on the positive and wrote down one thing I was grateful for. I ended up with 365 moments of thankfulness. This journey helped me grow in gratitude and have a more positive outlook on life. At the start of 2019 I decided to continue this journey. Here’s week 1 of my moments of thankfulness! 

Day 1. Thankful to catch up with my friend Anna over a New Year’s dinner
Day 2. Thankful for fresh fruit, yoghurt and a blender = delicious smoothies 
Day 3. Thankful for my parents, 45 years of marriage and their ongoing commitment to each other 
Day 4. Thankful for a friend who came to visit when I wasn’t feeling well - thanks Suzanne
Day 5. Thankful for inspirational people in my life who encourage me to live and love better
Day 6. Thankful for a luxurious overnight in a hotel that was gifted to me
Day 7. Thankful that the National Emergency Medical Service (NEMS) is up & running and their ambulance was able to transfer two infants to the Children's hospital for us since our ambulance is temporarily out of service.

#2019 #makingitcount #gratitude #momentsofthankfulness #alwaysanadventure #ihaveamazingfriends #ilovemyfamily #livelovelaugh #actjustlylovemercywalkhumbly 

~ Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. micah 6:8 ~