Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Exciting transition into new role with Mercy Ships...

I’m super excited to announce my appointment as Country Director - Sierra Leone with Mercy Ships, commencing 16 September, based in Freetown!! 

What a great opportunity to represent Mercy Ships and work alongside the Sierra Leone government, health sector, partners and healthcare workers to see how the organisation can complement ongoing efforts to improve access and quality of healthcare services. 

I have a long history with both Mercy Ships and Sierra Leone. One of the ships was my childhood home for 14 years, and after studying medicine in The Netherlands, I moved to Sierra Leone, which has been my home for the past 17 years! I also worked for a Mercy Ships medical project here from 2005-2009 and have taken many patients to the ship for surgical care. It’s my worlds coming together. 

I’ll miss my AWC family and patients but I’m looking forward to this next adventure.

#sierraleone #mercyships #hopeandhealing #globalhealth #globalsurgery #partnership #equity #transformation #restoringhope #safesurgerysaveslives 
PC: Mercy Ships 

1 comment:

Rahul said...

Hi Sandra,

I have been following your blog for many years. I see you haven't updated in a while hopefully all is well.

~ Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. micah 6:8 ~