Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sweet & Sour Alarm Clocks...

I am writing this in memory of my pet chickens
Today was the day they met their fate.
It was inevitable, they ended up in the pot.
Tonight's menu read: sweet and sour alarm clocks aka chicken.
And not just any chickens, but MY chickens.
The chickens were just making too much noise in the mornings.
Too early, too often, too loud.
It was time to put a stop to it.
No more early morning alarm clocks.
No more messy garden.
No more pet chickens.
Strangest thing about my chickens was that they would eat left over chicken.
Who knows what else they ate?!
But tonight, they were for chop.
Chickens don don.
A belly full of rice and sauce, that's what I am left with now.
I was the 'fortunate' one to have a heart on my plate, I passed it off.
Fortunately I did not put a piece of liver in my mouth, like my friend did.
Besides the internal bits, all in all they made a pretty tasty sauce.
Bye bye chickens, may you rest in peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lieve San
Lucky you to get the heart of the chicken :) You must have felt special. Yet at the same time .... to eat your pets :)....Please give Fatu a hug from me ....

~ Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. micah 6:8 ~