Saturday, October 08, 2011

Attention, attention...

This sign was posted at various sites around the hospital several months ago. It is still there. I've thought about taking it down but I don't want to upset whoever put it up. I am, to be honest, intrigued by this sign. I love the spelling, for one. Secondly, I am so curious as to what kind of herbs are used to treat a sickle cell attack. And interesting that it is free of charge. I guess that should be expected, after all this is the era of free healthcare at the Children's Hospital and Maternity Hospital. However, I almost wish it wasn't free, I'm slightly concerned about easy access to this treatment for patients who could be in critical condition! I wonder if anyone has called the number yet. Should I try?

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~ Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. micah 6:8 ~